Welcome To BuzzKillz World

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Buzzy With Da Big Guns!

My name is Deb in the real world.  But behind this computer monitor is a person they call *FTB*~BuzzKill~*BAB*.  I am the leader of 2 Gaming clans.  And the game we prefer to play is called "Unreal Tournament '99".  If you have the game and would like to hook up with us... You can find us @  Sure hope to see you there.


Frag'em, Tag'em, & Bag'em...The way it should be done!

We are a group of indiviuals from all over the world.  Both men and woman play on the FTB team.  We are mostly adults but we do have a few young kids who kick our butts often.

Unreal Tournament

Do you play unreal tournament?  would you like to join a clan?  Do you have the skill and playing power to prove yourself as a leader.  join us at FTB and let us show you how!

Coming to a Server Near You!

Updates Appearing Daily



BAB stands for Bad Ass Bitches!  This UT clan was created by BuzzKill in 2004 of all girls.  Being the only successful all girls clan out here in the UT world. 

You can find our site at:  http://www.achike.com/achike/bab

You can find my private forum at:  http://utbitches.proboards36.com


More information about BUZZKILL

I Love the game "Unreal Tournament Classic '99 Addition".  I Got hooked as soon as the game came out  in 1999. Soon  I figured out you could play on-line with others.  It wasn't long before I knew I wanted to be a part of the Unreal Community.  I have stayed active with this group of people and we get together and play UT all around the world. 





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