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COMPUTER:  Keep it cool !

The greatest threat to your PC is Heat!  It makes components like chips and wires deteriorate years faster than they should.

Just a few weeks worth of dust can clog the ventilation system enough to raise the temperature to damaging levels. 

Solution:  Spray Compressed air (about $4.00 a can at office supply stores) on vents once a week to blow away dust

Should You shut off your computer?

Not if you are going to log on again within 24 hours.  "Rebooting every day causes changes in temperature, which can harm the circuitry!

CARS: Only use this lube!

Although the average car lasts for 128,000 miles, we typically trade ours in at 41,000 miles! 

Peaople think that once the warranty runs out, the end is near.  But if you take care of the engine, there's no reason your car can't live up to 300,000 miles!

Always use a top quality lubricant.  And Fix's idea of a top-quality lube may surpise you:

100% synthetic one like Amsoil or Redline instead of regular motor oil!  The molecules in synthetic lubricats are uniform, so they're less likely to wear down engine parts.

Green Tea: Is there a man in your life worried about prostate cancer?

A new joint study by the University of Wisconsin and Case Western Reserve University found the natural compounds in the brew called polyphenois help prevent the growth and spread of prostate tumor cells. And Inhibit the development of blood vessels that feed the tumors.









Chocolate:  A Longer Life

Harvard research shows that folks who regularly indulge in chocolate "fixes" live longer than those who don't!  Eating as few as three chocolate bars a month lowered their risk of death from all cases by 36 % compared with those who never indulged.  Tahnk chocolate's antixidants, which "help deter aging by preventing cell deterioration

Reach for dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate has 20% fewer calories an ounce, Plus enjoy richer flavor and reap substantially more health benefits.

Mellow my mood:

Eating chocolate triggers a chemical reaction in the brain that mimics the feelings of romantic love.  Chocolate owes this effect to its rich stores of magnesium, theobromines, phenylethylamines and caffeine, substances proven to raise levels of mood boosting serotonin.

For the Heart:

Penn State university research shows chocolate is packed with heart-protecting and cancer-fighting antioxidants, including magnesium, polyphenols and arginine.  But the all-star heart saving component is phenylethylamine, an antioxidant proven to lower LDL "bad" cholesterol by 4%  These antioxidants also make your arteries more relaxed and blood platelets less likely to clot.




Coconut oil is made up mostly of medium-chain traiglycerides (MCT's) instead of the long-chain triglycerides (LCT's) that dominate most other oils. 

In fact, MCT's are such an easy source of fuel, they're even more likely to be burned off than low-fat fare. 

As MCT's are quickly transformed to energy, they create enough heat to seriously fire up the metabolism.  By how Much?  By three times more calories for six hours after a meal.

A Happy Vitamin!

Pop the GET-HAPPY Vitamin!

In a recent study, adults with winter depression who took vitamin D reported feeling nearly 100% happier than those who didn't take the vitamin!  Scientists believe it stimulates mood-boosting hormones in the brain.
